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tfhlogoTouch for Health was the beginning of a health revolution that introduced the world to the remarkable tool of muscle testing, and furthering the concept of self-responsibility for one’s own health. Dr. John Thie, D.C., put together concepts and techniques from Applied Kinesiology that he saw could be used by anyone on an everyday basis, and began to teach his system to the general public. Now more than 30 years later, Touch For Health is taught in over 22 countries, and has helped millions of people either get well or stay well, avoiding the need for conventional medical treatment.

To this day, this amazing system continues to offer the lay person simple tools for maintaining health. It is truly “health care”, not based on the disease model of today’s western medicine. As such, it has opened the door for the field of Energy Kinesiology, and is still the starting point for most people who aspire to become professionals in the Complementary and Alternative Healing Arts as an Energy Kinesiologist.

Over the years, Touch For Health developed into its current format of 4 weekend courses totaling a minimum of 60 hours. Students then have the option of taking a written and practical assessment and continuing on to become Touch for Health instructors.

As the root from which almost all other “lay” kinesiologies have sprouted, the Institute of BioEnergetic Arts & Sciences is proud to offer the complete Touch For Health 1 through 4 education, taught by Adam Lehman, N.D., a Touch for Health instructor since 1990. Whether for use with your family and friends, or to open a practice and consult as a professional, the Touch for Health education is essential. The classes may also qualify for CEUs for Massage Therapists and Registered Nurses.

For more information about each of the levels, click on the links to the left.

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